Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just a Thought

Baseball and your approach to baseball can be a great gift to you in other aspects of your life. You guys know the work and dedication it takes to improve at the game and you know the satisfaction that success brings when the effort and practice pay off in game performance. It feels so good to get that hit or to make that play. We understand the connection to working hard and reaping the rewards in baseball.

Just a thought, but can you see other areas in your life where this can happen?

School work. Yes school work. Same things apply. Just as none of you expect to go 4-4 and play error less baseball without practicing the game, how can you expect to attain a superior understanding of the classroom material and ace that test if you do not put in the time and effort.

I have to admit, I was (and think I still am) a competitive guy. If I was going to do something, I was going to do something well. I never liked to do poorly and would look for every edge to do better, at everything I was asked, or even forced to do. If I had to do it, I was going to do it well.
Life is better when things go well.

The same formula that works for baseball works for school.

Want to get better at something - devote more time to it. Prepare so you can perform. Pitchers do better ahead in the count - read ahead of the class. Not understanding something about the game (subject)- ask your coach (teacher). Need help with some part of your game - do extra drills to make up for that skill. Just as you can observe and mimic players that are succeeding, you can also observe and mimic students that are doing better (AND I DO NOT MEAN COPY THEIR PAPERS!).

Want to be better than the average player (student)? Everybody goes to practice (class), what do you do in between practices (classes) - what do you do on YOUR OWN!

Would you not be insulted if someone said "you are good at baseball because it just comes easy to you"

Do not insult good students by thinking that it comes easy to them. Be like them and start getting your work done.

And here is my final word on the subject.

I played with players that had great talent
I played with players that had great work habits
I played with players that had great talent AND great work habits

All of the above guys were good players. Only the last set MADE IT in pro baseball.

In school some people are inherently smarter than others.
Some people work harder than others
Some people are smarter and work harder, these people become rocket scientists

You can succeed in school without being a rocket scientist. Start working harder. Don't EVER let anyone out work you.

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