Monday, March 2, 2009

First Action for MBC 13's

The Magnolia Baseball Club played their first game against a live opponent yesterday. It was an impressive performance for a team that had yet to see a field. MBC played the Stod’s team head up for nine innings and the final score was 4-4.

The results were the opposite of what I would have expected. After spending all winter hitting inside, defense was our strong suit and the hitting came up lacking. I guess there is a big difference between BP and having someone on the mound who WANTS to get us out. MBC pounded out seven hits, but struck out an unacceptable sixteen times! The good news is that if you had a bad day at the plate, you were not alone. My advice is to shake it off, it was our first time out, and we will get better.

I am reminded of a story an old friend of mine who was a college coach told me. He once traveled all the way to Ohio to watch a prospect play. In the only game he could watch, the boy struck out four times. The prospect was devastated and then perplexed when the coach offered him a scholarship. The coach told the boy that he had just seen the twelve best swings he had seen in ten years. Moral – Keep swinging, good things happen when we swing the bat.

Defensively MBC played very well. The gloves showed a lot of promise and both coaches were impressed by the hustle and effort displayed. Our pitchers threw strikes and the team backed them up, what more can we ask for?

The team showed great promise of team work. The talk was positive all day and teammates showed great support and appreciation for plays attempted and made. The best demonstration I heard all day of team work was from Ryan Doerfler. Nursing an injured leg, and limited in his ability to run and defensively contribute his primary contribution was warming up pitchers, not a pleasant task. I took pity on him around the sixth inning and offered to warm up the next pitcher. Ryan remarked that he preferred to do the job himself, he wanted to help the team.

And though it is early in the season, just want to put a shout out to all of those who either followed the game on the radio or after asking their son how did the game go and heard "OK, I guess" that there are still good seats available, as shown below.

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